IHiS SmartCMS Integration

IHiS SmartCMS Integration

Be ready for Healthier SG & NEHR with UNO CMS


As a preferred vendor of the IHiS SmartCMS programme, UNO Tech’s Clinic Management System includes a seamless and automated claim processing integration with Singapore’s public healthcare system and the Ministry of Health, which enables clinics to submit and track various claims directly with MOH through our CMS.

In a busy clinic where managing claims for each patient can be unnecessarily complicated and tedious, it can be done effortlessly with UNO CMS.

Moreover, UNO CMS is able to intelligently review your claims before submission, ensuring compliance to MOH rules, reducing errors, and wasted time from rejections.


UNO CMS is the first CMS vendor in Singapore to receive the CSA Cybersecurity Certification.

smartcms claims integration
  • IHiS SmartCMS vendor - Preferred vendor of SmartCMS programme, currently tier 1.

  • Submit claims directly on UNO CMS – Submit all kinds of MOH claims directly on UNO with patient info auto-fill, reducing data entries and errors.

  • SmartCMS claims pre-submission and eligibility checks – Submit CHAS, PHPC, NIR, Medisave, and various MOH claims directly on UNO, with pre-submission checks for balance, eligibility, and tier.

  • CSA Cybersecurity Certified - First CMS vendor in Singapore to receive the CSA Cybersecurity Certification.



The IHiS SmartCMS programme is the integration of CMS and other Med Tech solutions with Singapore’s public healthcare system. It provides a seamless flow of patient information and enhances the service of Singapore’s primary healthcare sector.

Our CMS provides a more convenient claims process for various government healthcare schemes and allows clinics to make claims on behalf of their patients directly. 

The SmartCMS Integrates with Government medical schemes and subsidies like

  • CHAS - Community Health Assist Scheme

  • CDS & VCDSS - Vaccination and Childhood Development Screening & Subsidies

  • SFL - Screen for Life

  • CDMP - Chronic Disease Management Programme

  • PHPC - Public Health Preparedness Clinic

  • CIDC - Clinical Indicator Data Collection

  • MD131 - Notification of Communicable Diseases, MOH MD131 form submission

  • Dental CHAS


Full commitment to NEHR and Healthier SG

NEHR and HealthierSG ready CMS

UNO CMS is currently a Tier 1 SmartCMS vendor, NEHR and HealthierSG integrated and ready.


Error-free and Seamless claims process

Minimise your admin tasks and improve your practice profitability

An Error-free and seamless government claims process
  • Claims eligibility and pre-submission check – CHAS status checks for visit limit, correct claims tier, and account balance. Review patient eligibility and validate your claims against MOH Submission rules to reduce errors and rejection.

  • Error-free claims - Free from any claim errors, even for patients eligible for multiple schemes (eg. CHAS patients with CDMP chronic disease) 

  • Available for CHAS GP and specialist clinics.


Why do IHiS SmartCMS integration matter

UNO SMARTCMS Automated claims
  • Paperless record keeping and seamless processing - Never miss a claim again or waste your staffs’ valuable time with manual processes.  

  • Ease of mind for the patients and their caretakers - Especially for the elderly under CHAS or CDMP, as well as young children needing vaccines or developmental screening.

  • Reminding patients for follow-up appointments - (eg. CDS) 

  • Prepare yourself and your patients quickly in times of emergency - Automated PHPC claims for ad-hoc government subsidies (COVID, Seasonal Haze, Flue outbreaks, etc), necessary equipment, and relevant medication.


Better claim system, with UNO IHiS SmartCMS integration

A brand-new claim experience, for better success rate.

various government medical claims
  • Latest MOH claim and subsidy policies updates - As a preferred partner with the IHiS SmartCMS programme, we work closely with IHiS to enable the latest claims available to your patients on our platform.  

  • Detailed Claim Progress Tracking - Be updated with the state of your claims to manage your operating cash flow and business cycles better. 

  • MOH newsfeed integration - The UNO CMS dashboard is integrated with the MOH Newsfeed to keep you and your team updated with the latest policy changes and news flashes. So your team can react to the ever-changing landscape.

  • Automated Claim Status Update – Easy and quick extraction for payment processing. Appeal option available if application rejected. 



Looking to improve your clinic’s profitability?